My Recent hospital stay . . .



My Recent hospital stay…

I went to my scheduled Cardiologist appointment on Monday and it coincided with some my body misbehaving. When I got the the cardiologist’s office, I had just had the worst hypoglycemic attack i have ever had, I came very close to passing out. I had a blood glucose of 55 last week, and this felt considerably lower. 

So when I got the cardiologist’s office after having hot flashes the night before and a severe hypoglycemic episode on the way there. When I got there my blood pressure was through the roof 186110 and I didn’t feel well at all. He sent me straight from his office to the E.R. which made me feel much worse, anxious, scared… 

Next thing I know, I’m in the ICU, for 2 nights. Last night, more sweats, pretty much continuous last night, but not as severe. Then I requested some anxiety medicine and got my Suboxone, and it made such a difference, I was able to calm down and actually sleep.

 I’m home now, just got home, my Dr. as thinks it’s some weird thing that has to do with how Myasthenia Gravis affects cardiac muscle and they want me to go to see specialists at the Mayo Clinic. Specialists at the Mayo Clinic have seen hundreds more cases like mine and as such they are much better equipped to handle someone like me. My current cardiologist, I a graduate of Johns Hopkins University and spent 25 years in cardiac cath labs, a very impressive resume. Now, he has quit putting shunts in to focus on other aspects of cardiology. I’m not sure if he thinks I need my stints replaced or new ones or something else, but all of those possibilities were there. They did a cardiac stress test and an ultrasound study on my heart. Both of these data indicated that my heartbeat isn’t in very bad shape for my age and prior history ejection ratio came back at 51%, Not too bad and my heart seems to function better in some places than others, in particularly not quite as good in the bottom of the hearing, which tolerates that better than the top of the heart. 

In any case, my heart is actually in remarkably good shape considering my age and prior heart attack. So in general the news is very good and it seems like there may be some strange things going on due to the myasthenia, but they can be straightened out. As for my blood pressure, they made some adjustments to my meds, and know It’s much improved. 143/83.

I also, starting the night before stated having horrible hot flashes that would last hours.  Absolutely soaked in sweat, followed by freezing my ass off for hours, lasting all night long, finally stopping at around 2;30am.  This happened both the night before my DR. Appointment and the night off when I spent the night in the ICU.

Lastly, the hot flashes I was having, crossed my fingers but so far none yet today. When they happened they were so bad, so hot, nauseous, sweating like you would not believe. Like I took a shower with my clothes on in just a few minutes, and multiple rounds of that in an evening. Hopefully, that is over now that I’m back home.

So next steps are to take it easy for a few days and then I have a phone interview with the Mayo Clinic first thing Monday morning.

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